Ethical Policy

We at Khodal Diamonds are committed to achieve highest level of Ethical, Health Safety and Environment Standards

Corporate ​Business ​Ethical​ ​Policy

By ​Ensuring​ ​Following​ ​Actions:

Strict compliance is ensured at all times, with all applicable national and, where appropriate, international laws / regulations with respect to money laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, facilitation payments, corruption, smuggling, embezzlement, fraud, racketeering, transfer pricing and tax evasion.
We ensure Kimberly Process / SOW & Disclosure compliance in our business of diamond.
Compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Khodal Diamonds is committed to provide safety of product throughout its supply chain.
Khodal Diamonds is committed to fight against undisclosed synthetic diamonds.
We declare that we do not deal in conflict diamonds and ensure to continue the same in future.
Compliance is ensured at all times, with applicable national and, where appropriate, international laws / regulations with respect to employment and labour
We never employ child labour.
The management of Khodal Diamonds is fully committed to ensuring that forced or involuntary labour is not practiced in any form at any of its facilities.
We ensure strict compliance of health and safety norms.